Principal's Message
Principal Message 9-23-2022
Sep 23, 2022
Classroom routines and learning are well underway at Edison! Students and teachers are all working hard. This week we had a fire drill that was observed by the Fire Department. Students followed directions, exited safely, and were well behaved during the drill. October is Fire Safety Month, and the Fire Department will be visiting the school for a couple more educational events.
Alos, coming up on October 4th, the Chicago Bears will be visiting Edison! The Bears do a Mini Monsters Camp in which they teach students about health & fitness. Students also get to do some drills and meet a former Bears player. Information and a waiver for the event are linked, and you can find them on Facebook. We need waivers for all students in second-fifth grade who wish to participate. Students will also be given a T-shirt, and we need to know sizes. Send the waiver and shirt size back to school by 9/29 so your child can participate.
Principal's Message 8-26-2020
August 26, 2022
We have had a great first full week of classes at Edison. I have gotten to know a few students, and look forward to visiting every class next week. Students are learning about school rules, classroom expectations, and about each other. Academic learning is underway as well. As in past years, teachers will be using Class Dojo to interact and communicate with you about classroom news and specific messages about your child.
Most students completed MAP testing this week, but we will have some students doing make-up testing next week. We use results from these tests–in both reading and math–to see what students know and to get them any help they need to grow academically. If your child requires an intervention to aid their progress, you will be contacted and details will be given about the intervention process.
Please let me know if you have any question or needs.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Baisden
Information & Reminders:
School Lunch:
The federal program that allowed school districts across the country to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of income, expired on June 30, 2022. As a result, schools across the nation will be reverting back to free and reduced-price meals based on income eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
During the 2022-23 school year, families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will have to pay for school meals. Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced price breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals at no cost or at a discounted rate.
Find out if you are eligible using the guidelines HERE.
Review the information and complete the application for free/reduced lunch HERE (Spanish version). The application begins on page 3.
Completed applications can be returned to Elysa Garcia, 4100 Joliet Avenue, Lyons, IL 60034.
Students will have a daily hot lunch item. After Labor Day, a cold (sandwich) option will also be available. The monthly menu will be posted on the district website. August’s menu is HERE.
Students have been given cards with barcodes that are connected to their lunch accounts. Parents can access lunch account information in Skyward Family Access following the Food Service menu link.
Parking & Safety Information
Please review our typical parking (PDF Link) and safety (PDF Link) information. Thank you!
Technology Information & Agreement (3rd - 5th Parents)
Each parent of a 3rd through 5th grader should fill out our Technology Agreement Google Form to acknowledge the responsibility and acceptable use of District 103 Chromebooks. Many parents completed the form at Open House and some may have heard from teachers about this. Thank you for filling out the form!
School District Calendar (PDF)
Web-based School & District Calendar
Before and After School Care (STARS) Program
Important Dates:
August 23 Board of Education Meeting, 6:00pm at George Washington Middle School
September 5 No School, Labor Day
September 14 Early Dismissal - SIP DayPrincipal's Message 8-19-22
August 19, 2022
Edison Community:
Thank you all for attending Open House this past Tuesday! It was an energetic night and a great opportunity for all of us to get acquainted. Pictures from the event and opening week will be posted to our website and Facebook soon.
The first two days of school went smoothly, with many students expressing that they were happy to be back at school! Next week, we will continue to build classroom routines, remind students of expectations, and build relationships. Students will also, of course, get started on academics. Teachers will be in touch through Class Dojo to let you know about things happening in classrooms. Reminder: students arriving after 8:35 are considered tardy and need to be signed in at the office.
We’re excited to be underway!
Information & Reminders:
School Lunch:
The federal program that allowed school districts across the country to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of income, expired on June 30, 2022. As a result, schools across the nation will be reverting back to free and reduced-price meals based on income eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
During the 2022-23 school year, families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will have to pay for school meals. Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced price breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals at no cost or at a discounted rate.
Find out if you are eligible using the guidelines HERE.
More specific information from the district about rates and applications will be provided. Timeframes to apply have NOT expired.
Students will have a daily hot lunch item. After Labor Day, a cold (sandwich) option will also be available. The monthly menu will be posted on the district website. August’s menu is HERE.
Students have been given cards with barcodes that are connected to their lunch accounts. Parents can access lunch account information in Skyward Family Access following the Food Service menu link.
Construction Around Edison:
We have all been impacted by the road and sidewalk construction around the school that is due to the installation of new water main pipes. We have been informed that East Ave will be open more consistently starting next week and teachers will have regular access to the staff parking lot.
Closures may still affect student drop off in the morning along 41st next week, but we will move barricades as allowed so that we can conduct our drop off procedures as usual.
Parking & Safety Information
Please review our typical parking (PDF Link) and safety (PDF Link) information. Thank you!
Technology Information & Agreement (3rd - 5th Parents)
Each parent of a 3rd through 5th grader should fill out our Technology Agreement Google Form to acknowledge the responsibility and acceptable use of District 103 Chromebooks. Many parents completed the form at Open House and some may have heard from teachers about this. Thank you for filling out the form!
School District Calendar (PDF)
Web-based School & District Calendar
Before and After School Care (STARS) Program
Important Dates:
August 23 Board of Education Meeting, 6:00pm at George Washington Middle School
September 5 No School, Labor DayPrincipal's Message 8-15-2022
August 15, 2022
Edison Community:
I am excited to see you at Open House tomorrow between 5:30 and 7:00. This event will be an opportunity for you to drop off school supplies and meet your child’s teacher. We will also have uniforms and spirit wear and materials available for purchase.
I will be hosting Popcorn with the Principal where we can meet briefly and you can get a snack.

We will also have sidewalk chalk available at doors 2 and 8 for you to write welcome messages to your kids that they can see as they arrive at school on Thursday!! Teachers have already started!
A table will be available for a district technology survey as well. It should be a fun event!
Schedule: You can log into Skyward Parent Access by going on our website, clicking on Parents, then clicking on Skyward Family Access. Once you are logged in, you should click on Schedule where you can find your child's homeroom teacher.
Important links:
School District Calendar (PDF)
Web-based School & District Calendar
Before and After School Care (STARS) Program
Important Dates:
August 15, 16, 17 Teacher Institute Days
August 16 Open House from 5:30-7:00pm
August 18 First Day of School for Students
August 23 Board of Education Meeting, 6:00pm at George Washington Middle School
September 5 No School, Labor Day
Thank you! See you soon!
Mr. Baisden
Principal's Message - 8-4-2022
Edison Community:
I attended a professional development conference recently where the facilitator suggested that a school's pronouns should be we/us/our. Edison is our school, and–ready or not–the new year is about to begin! I’m excited for us to get started!
To that end, I wanted to let you know that I will be doing my best to send a weekly parent communication and keeping our Facebook and website up-to-date and useful for you.

As we prepare for the first week of school, here are some important links:
School District Calendar (PDF)
Web-based School & District Calendar
Before and After School Care (STARS) Program
Important Dates:
August 15, 16, 17 Teacher Institute Days
August 16 Open House from 5:30-7:00pm
August 18 First Day of School for Students
August 23 Board of Education Meeting, 6:00pm at GWMS
September 5 No School, Labor Day
Open House will be on Tuesday, Aug 16, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:00pm. This will be a chance for you to meet your child’s teacher, learn about their class, see the school, and drop off school supplies.
Other Reminders:
Health History/Physical:
All Kindergarten students plus students who are new to Edison and Lyons 103 are required to have a complete health physical on file before the first day of school, August 18, 2022. The School Nurse will notify parents of any incomplete health physicals as soon as possible.
Class/Teacher Assignment:
Skyward Family Access will be updated soon with your child’s class/teacher information. More details will come in a future communication.
Bus Transportation:
Bussing info, including pick up and drop off times, will also be communicated in a future post to any qualifying families.
Contact us with any questions:
Thank you!
Mr. Baisden
Farewell Message from Dr. Bernard